Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Welcome to the Art Room!

This week is welcome week. We are talking about expectations in art, procedures, and Rachel's Challenge! We shared stories of my summer and I showed my students my new blog. We shared what we felt a great school and art room should look like. Then we created art that interpreted what we were thinking.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Brand New Year!

 Yee, Haw!

Are you ready for a brand new year?

Lot's of things have been happening to me over the summer! I moved into a new home in Celina Texas. My Son will be going to Middle School there, with 5th and 6th graders to a new school. For the first time I REALLY understand how you all felt on the first day of Kindergarten! I'll miss him!

This year we have a wonderful new Principal at Christie, Mr. Steele, who is not really new, but is inspiring us to reach new heights. He is challenging us to think outside the box, creating this blog is one big step outside for me!

My goal is to let my students be a part of my blog. I will give them a chance to let you know what's going on in art. Being a mom and a teacher for 27 years I know that seeing what your kids are doing in their own words will be kind of cool!

But don't worry, No names or pictures of students will be posted, the post will only list their grade. 

Can't wait to see you and start this brand new year together!

Ps. I gave permission to myself  to add the picture above. :)