Tuesday, November 18, 2014

3rd, 4th and 5th graders are creating beautiful Chihuly Inspired sculptures!

Third, Fourth and Fifth grade students are working together to create beautiful translucent sculptures reminiscent of the famous glass blowing artist Dale Chihuly. 

 We are using water bottles the students color with Sharpy. 

Then, we cut the water
bottles into spirals and change their shape using a heat gun.

Next, we assemble the strips into analogous color groups that are close to each other on the color wheel.

At Last! Here is an example of two of our fabulous finished works of cooperative art! It took a while, but it was worth it!

Come by the office and take a look!

Dale Chihuly

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Something fishy is going on in Second grade!

Second graders created fabolous 3 dimensional construction sculpture fish! 
 After finishing our Eric Carle Animals we used the scraps to make fins.

 As we recycled, we learned about where our fins should go and and how many fins fish really have. 
                fish fins

They really loved this super "sciency" sculpture lesson!