Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Look what I just Found!

Many weeks ago 1st grade did these wonderful color wheel clown masks. It's a fun way to learn our color wheel! 

If you want to learn more about the color wheel watch this....

learn about the color wheel!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sorry I haven't written for a while! But we've been really busy getting ready for Culture Fest!

 I thought I would share some more artworks that our students created for last week's special night!

 Japanese Cherry blossoms abounded in second grade!

 While Students from Music in Ms Twinings' 3rd grade class sang Sakura! The Japanese Cherry blossom song during our performances. 

Fifth grader's made wonderful Egyptian printmaking Hieroglyphs, with metal tooling Sarcophagi, Cartouches,  and other Egyptian Symbols. 

Kindergarten made Snow globes from around the world!

   Can you figure out 
where they are from?

 Fourth grader's from Mrs. Tices' Class made Adinkra and Kente' printing designs inspired by the work of African artist from Ghana.

Student's made a series of three prints then selected their best ones to put on display!

Third grade made fantastic Paper Molas inspired by the Kuna people of Panama.

Culture abounds at Christie!

Make sure you come up at open house and see them for yourself!