Friday, September 30, 2016

Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Portfolios!

This year we are creating portfolio's for our K-2nd graders to collect all their art in to take home at open house.

Kindergarten is learning about lines and textures to create their Portfolios!


These are some wonderful art works from Martha Tinnin's and Jeini Gordon's kindergartener's.  

They used vertical and horizontal lines,

diagonals and curves...
and lots and lots of textures!

1st graders created art works that look like Music Sounds!  Inspired by the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky.

While 2nd graders created portfolios inspired by the Spanish artist Juan Miro'. He created works of art that could only be seen in your imagination.

For Miro' the camera changed everything!

More news coming soon about 3rd thru 5th grade!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

International Dot Day Celebration September 15th

What is International Dot Day?

It all began with a simple story by Peter Reynolds about a little girl who was afraid to...

Make her Mark! 

Here at Christie We DID!

Kindergarten and First Grade

With the help of my Art Angel volunteers we got so much done!

I just have to say it... They ROCK!

We sang....

We painted...

We made our Mark!

In Fifth and Fourth Grade...

In Second and Third...

Every single student at Christie Elementary made their mark!

We shared the story with our Bilingual classes  in Spanish first!

Ok, Some of us got kind of messy... 

I guess that's why they invented Spray and wash. Sorry Mom.

Kindergarten Loved it!

Our Preschool teachers made sure those kids got to make their mark too!

Our Dots are everywhere!

You might have to go on a treasure hunt to find yours but I promise...

It's out there! 

Look it's Preschool... Love those preschool teachers and aids!

Please come to Christie and check them out!

Sept. 15th is also our night for Watch Dog Dads. Mrs. Tice will be greeting so she might help you sneak a peak!