Thursday, September 4, 2014

Artists and their Inspirations

Kindergarten is learning about Lines: Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal and Curved. Ask your students to show you those LINES.  J

In First Grade we are like Wassily Kandinsky, we are drawing hard and dark to create lines and shapes that look like music sounds, and painting Next week!

Second graders are learning about Joan Miro and how the invention of the camera changed art! We are creating our own work inspired by his work created from his imagination. He said “a line is a dot you take for a walk.” And we did some walking!

In Mrs. Tice’s class, Third graders looked at Notre Dame’s stained glass Rose Window. Then, we talked about the how the compass rose is used to tell directions on maps. Both are examples of radial design and symmetry. Finally, we learned how to use a safety compass to start our wonderful radial art work.

Frida Khalo inspired fourth grade Art 1 students with her triumph over tragedy. We will be making Symbolic art works that describe who we are, as well.

Mrs. Tice’s Fifth graders learned about the tough job people had in the middle ages just to create a single page for a book. We looked at amazing illuminated manuscripts and letters that many artists created by hand. Then, we fast forwarded to today’s letter abbreviations that stand for things like the CIA or FBI. Then, we talked about Technology and how texting has created LOL, or BFF. With this in mind, we will be making a letter box with a personal message. 

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