Wednesday, September 9, 2015

New School, New Displays!

Look at our Fabulous New Art Display Mr. Steele put up!

On his ingeniously designed display
are a few of first grades art works inspired by the artist Wassliy Kandinsky. These will be our Portfolios this year in 1st grade. 

 Wassily Kandinsky made art that looked like music sounds! Take a look and a listen to the cool YOUTUBE video on Kandinsky. 

We listened to music and were in awe of the prolific variety of art works he created.

Kindergarten and Second are also creating Portfolios this year that you will receive at open house.

We are so excited to have these new displays. Mr. Steele really worked hard to put them up around the building. We can't wait to get some more!

 Thanks Mr. Steele! :) 

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