Tuesday, September 19, 2017

:::::: Christie Elementary Celebrated International DOT DAY on September 15th ::::::

Before we began we listened to the story about the Dot.

We talked about how we could work together as a team and do our very best work.

We used a variety of Media....like florescent colors and Q-tips.

Fourth grade tried out "gelli" plates and printmaking.

 Everyone tried dot printing...

 We used Construction paper crayons.

We elaborated and added details on top.

We used oil pastels to create resists underneath.

We listened to some inspiring music while we worked.

We planned our creations...

and did lots of exploration! 

We kept on enhancing and elaborating the design of our artwork.

We painted with tempera cakes to make our mark too!


We worked...

We planned...

Until we were through.

Then, Mrs.Tice and her helpers put them up all around the school!

We displayed them all together! 

First Grade,

Second Grade,

 Third Grade,

Fourth grade and Fifth grade mixed into too!

We put them down by the learning commons.

 Our bright and beautiful art is everywhere you look!

There is even First grade art by the lockers! 

It's there when you walk in the doors of Christie!

If you thought I forgot it's in Kindergarten too!

Make sure to take a look!

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